Why We’re Not Your Typical Digital Marketing Agency Experience


As a team, you’ve hit a point in your brand’s life where you know you need more digital marketing expertise from specialists.  Maybe your team is looking to grow your brand’s online presence? Or maybe the next initiative is to showcase some new products through paid advertising?

Your team sees digital marketing as the next best step towards your business goals, but you’re feeling a time crunch to get a plan in place. After research and many internal meetings with your team, you’ve pinpointed some areas that you need help in, but you just don’t have the capacity to make it happen.  

There you have it.  Roadblock number 1.

Now your team is thinking about hiring an agency, but you’re not sure what working with one will look like, and so you’re left wondering…. how is this relationship going to work seamlessly for all of us? Will they understand our brand, focused initiatives, and priorities? 

You’ve just hit roadblock number 2. So, what’s next? 

Work with a digital marketing agency that does things differently. 

We’re breaking the digital marketing agency stigma. And we’re proud of it.  

For some people, when they think of a digital marketing agency, overbearing and impersonal might be two adjectives that come racing in. But your brand is personal, and it should be treated that way. 

As an agency, we’re committed to doing digital marketing differently. 

How do we do it?

For us, we believe the best digital marketing work starts from a place of empathy, trust, and transparency — working together with brands to build a better tomorrow based on humility and sincerity. 

A peek into Mountain Laurel Digital’s digital marketing agency experience

Our team culture and service model offers an empathetic marketing agency experience — one where we intentionally listen to your brand's purpose and vision, creating a personal and value aligned relationship. 

We focus on that word “relationship,” because we take it very seriously, and we know you do too. 

We want what’s best for your brand just like you do. We care about the relationship we build and our work together, consciously creating a two way street where we collaborate and value each other. 

What will our work together look like?

Our relationship translates into everything we do, from the first day we start working together. 

We think and act as an extension of your team, and the beauty of this kind of relationship is that since we’re not in the trenches of your brand, we can bring a new perspective to the table. We ask questions to get your team thinking — questions maybe you haven't even thought about yet — to help fill in the gaps and make your priorities our priorities

We begin with an extensive onboarding process where we take time to listen to your team, learn the ins and outs of your brand, and hear about your goals and pain points. 

Once our work together starts, we put timelines and processes in place to make sure you know exactly what we’re working on and when you can expect deliverables. We set up check-ins weekly or monthly to talk through strategy and projects together so everyone is on the same page. 

Truthfully, we really enjoy talking to our clients and hearing what’s going on in their business and/or personal lives. It makes us feel like we’re genuinely part of a team together and that’s what makes our work together so special.

What we offer as a digital marketing agency

The beauty of our team is that we put effort into combining our knowledge and experience and collaborate on our services to bring you the best quality work we can.

We offer a whole host of services, from website design and development to content writing to SEO and digital ads just to name a few.  But there’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes that we didn’t mention that you can check out here.

Interested in joining in on the fun and working with us?

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your brand and your goals and let’s build something beautiful together. 

Jenny Baker